Douyin Enterprise Account

Douyin Enterprise Account Operation

Domestic video community and e-commerce marketing "must have option"

Douyin (the overseas version is Tik Tok) is China's most popular music and creative short video social software, focusing on young people's music and life-related UGC short videos. In China, 94.5% of netizens have the habit of watching videos online, and 90.5% of netizens use short videos, with a specific number of users of 934 million (data as of December 2021). The number of monthly active users of Douyin can reach 680 million (data as of June 2022), making it a "national-level" short video platform. At the same time, it has long occupied the top spot in the global App download rankings.

Not only does Douyin have significant data in short videos, Douyin e-commerce has also developed rapidly in the past year, gathering "interest options" to stimulate users' potential purchasing interests and bring considerable revenue to the company. The total transaction volume of the Douyin Wonderful Goods Festival exceeded 8 billion yuan, and the total transaction volume of the Douyin Innovation New Year Goods Festival reached 20.8 billion yuan; Douyin specifically provides blue V certification services (Douyin Enterprise Account) for enterprises to help enterprises target Douyin users. "Building a brand, finding customers, promoting, and driving sales" has become a "must-have" for more corporate brand marketing. As of July 2021, the total number of Douyin enterprise accounts has reached 8 million, creating exclusive brands and directly reaching the audience.

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What is Douyin Enterprise Account?

Douyin Enterprise Account is a one-stop business platform for corporate merchants to do business on Douyin. Provided to corporate merchantsBlue V certification, user insights, fan reach, conversion tools, training guidance, etc., to serve companies to better manage users, and through continuous management and deepening of the relationship between companies and users, thereby achieving continued growth of brand, sales and other commercial values. Douyin Enterprise Account was launched in June 2018. As of July 2021, the number of companies that have opened Douyin Enterprise Account has exceeded 8 million.

Douyin Enterprise Account helps companies quickly build their own brands.Blue V certificationIt further enhances the authority of the corporate brand and establishes credibility with users; from attracting user attention to interacting, it helps the company attract more customers; Douyin Enterprise Account faces a large number of customers and provides a platform for companies toReally showcase products and services through videos; Provided by Douyin Enterprise AccountPlanting grass, pulling weedsmachinemeeting,Douyin live broadcast,Product conversion page,Configure coupon activitiesIt can help companies and customers achieve online transactions and instantly boost sales.

Open a Douyin enterprise account now

Douyin big data

59100 million

Global downloads

6100 million

average daily active users

800Ten thousand

Douyin Enterprise Account

$208100 million

Douyin Innovation New Year Goods Festival

Total transaction amount

Douyin Enterprise Plan

Madcradle Online has a professional domestic team that provides efficient and feasible Douyin marketing plans in four major directions including account design, content creation, publicity and promotion, and fan management. It conducts account analysis and positioning based on brand characteristics and optimizes it with Douyin. , to create the "personality" and video content of the Douyin corporate account that is in line with the brand image and value. In addition to assisting companies in producing videos and operating Douyin official accounts, we also use Douyin platform features and advertising formats to improve marketing effectiveness, accurately acquire target customers, bring multiple exposures to your brand, and help your brand achieve business on the Douyin platform. growth, providing brand merchants with the most suitable Douyin operation plan for the domestic market.

Run a Douyin enterprise account to run a good business

Professional domestic Douyin operation team

Madcradle Online has a professional domestic team to set up Douyin corporate accounts for brands, conduct account analysis, positioning and optimization based on product attributes, and create a Douyin corporate account "personality" that is in line with the brand image and value, and runs through the content of the brand's homepage; Quickly help companies obtain Blue/Yellow V certification and provide brand merchants with the most suitable Douyin operation solution for the domestic market.

Local creative Douyin video production

The professional domestic team is familiar with the mainland's major online culture and platform marketing strategies, and provides one-stop operation services for brand positioning, creative scripts, contacting actors, video shooting and production, and post-data analysis. Combined with the brand DNA, it integrates the "Douyin style" - Douyin's personalized recommendation mechanism and label-based communication, outputs efficient creative videos, and actively communicates to the audience.

Customized short videos combined with data analysis

The team has many years of experience in digital advertising. Through multi-angle data analysis reports, we use data to analyze user groups, promptly adjust the operation direction and creative dimensions, customize exclusive short video operation plans and precise delivery combinations, quickly increase exposure and fans, and bring you Video ads are accurately and timely delivered to the "right" people.

Integrate internet celebrities and domestic e-commerce omni-channel marketing

We have a company in Guangzhou and have more than 10 years of experience in multimedia advertising. Through the promotion and integration of various resources such as media and Internet celebrities, we build a closed marketing loop from brand building, user management to data accumulation for enterprises to quickly seize brands. Marketing traffic outlet to enhance the effectiveness of brand promotion.

BUD special fund

The 2024-2025 government budget announced that the "Special Fund for Brand Development, Upgrading and Transformation, and Domestic Market Expansion" ("BUD Special Fund") will continue to be optimized, including increasing the cumulative funding limit for each enterprise and simplifying the application procedures. The budget proposes to inject a further NT$500 million into the fund to help small and medium-sized enterprises enhance their competitiveness and explore mainland and overseas markets, including adding an "e-commerce platform" under the fund, allowing each enterprise to receive up to NT$1 million in funding. Implement e-commerce projects in the Mainland to assist enterprises in exploring and developing business in Mainland China or ASEAN. BUD subsidizes individual Hong Kong enterprises to implement projects related to brand development, upgrading and transformation, and expanding domestic sales, thereby enhancing their competitiveness in the mainland and promoting their business development in the mainland.

Popular projects include brand development strategy and plan formulation, domestic online promotion including:
・WeChat Weibo promotion

・WeChat applet and WeChat mall development

・Domestic online news media promotion

・Internet celebrity and self-media promotion (Xiaohongshu, Douyin, Weibo, WeChat)

・Domestic search engine promotion (Baidu, 360 search)

・Tencent advertising WeChat advertising

・Toutiao information flow advertising Douyin advertising

・Video website promotion (iQiyi, Tencent Video, Youku, etc.)

We provide free consulting services to many companies, assist them in evaluating their funding application qualifications, and work with special fund consultants to jointly solve their problems.

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More online marketing solutions

Help you expand your online and offline business

Madcradle Online uses Digital Marketing and Technology 5.0—"Greater Bay Area and Domestic Marketing", "Performance Marketing and Programmatic Advertising", "Social Media Marketing", "Automation and Conversational Marketing", "Interactive Immersive Experience and Web 3.0 Marketing" "Five elements, we can plan promotion plans that meet the needs of brands or small and medium-sized enterprises. Our services include search engine advertising, banner advertising, video advertising, social media promotion,Domestic and Greater Bay Area marketing,Website design, etc., we are committed to becoming your online promotion partner and working together to expand your online and offline business.

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