Digital Marketing in Education Industry

Digital Marketing in Education Industry

Although colleges and universities, overseas study courses, preschool education, language education, and technical schools all belong to the education industry, the digital marketing carried out by each educational institution is also different. The epidemic has accelerated the digital transformation of all walks of life, and the education industry is no exception. The epidemic has reduced opportunities for educational institutions to conduct physical consultation days, open days, and lectures, further reducing opportunities for face-to-face contact with parents and students. Many institutions have transformed to online consultation days, online open days, online open weeks, and even used Zoom or Webinar to replace meetings with students. Whether it is to enhance the school's reputation or recruit potential students, digital marketing has become more important.

What should the education industry pay attention to before engaging in digital marketing?

What are the goals of digital marketing?

Most educational institutions conduct digital marketing to increase their visibility and recruit potential students; some institutions also want to use digital marketing to increase website traffic, recruit members, invite parents and students to attend open days or information days, and contact more alumni online. ; Some institutions hope to enhance mainland students’ awareness of the institution. The goals of digital marketing will determine the platforms, media, advertising models, required time and budget distribution we recommend to you.

Planning a year-round promotion or a special event?

Based on the different promotion periods and needs of educational institutions, the platforms and advertising models we choose for you are also different. For example, if a school wants to conduct short-term domestic promotion of enrollment, we recommend that the budget be concentrated on information flow advertising and programmatic advertising on popular domestic platforms to bring exposure and traffic to the school in a short period of time.

Is the targeted region Hong Kong, the Mainland, or an overseas country?

By examining the current enrollment situation of colleges and universities, we can understand the promotion areas targeted by educational institutions. The cultures of China and Hong Kong are different, and the platforms and plans for promotion are also very different. For example, for students from Hong Kong and overseas, institutions often promote through platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn; for students from the mainland, they will use well-known domestic accounts such as WeChat public accounts, Xiaohongshu, Douyin, Weibo, and Meituan. platform.

Should educational institutions invest more resources in digital marketing?

The epidemic has accelerated the digital transformation of the education industry. Some research points out that the education industry’s digital advertising expenditures will shift from traditional advertising such as TV advertising and radio advertising to digital advertising in 2020 in order to reach more target groups such as parents, students, working people, etc.

Digital marketing solutions for the education industry

After you leave your contact information, our team will first contact and understand the marketing needs of the educational institution, including promotion goals, regions, subject or course information, competitors, budget and desired KPIs, and evaluate the institution's website and social media , advertising performance, etc., combining our creativity, media strategy and integrated marketing technology to formulate appropriate digital marketing plans to meet the organization's promotion goals, KPIs and budgets.

With 16 years of digital marketing experience, Madcradle Online is good at producing rich and attractive content for the education, finance, beauty, and e-commerce industries to promote interaction between brands and users and increase high-quality audiences. We have served many colleges and educational institutions in the past and have a good reputation. We have won support from customers from all walks of life since our establishment. Educational institutions are welcome to inquire and understand industry marketing information from our professional consulting team, so as to make better preparations and plans for education marketing, so as to achieve the expected promotion goals.

Inquire immediately with our professional consulting team and learn about industry marketing information

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