about Us

Digital marketing services

Combining creativity, media strategy, and integrated marketing technology

Madcradle Online was established in 2006. It is a comprehensive digital marketing advertising company and an authorized partner of Facebook Managed Partner, Google, Yahoo! Yahoo Hong Kong and Tencent Advertising. We use Digital Marketing and Technology 5.0—"Greater Bay Area and China Marketing", "Performance Marketing and Programmatic Advertising", "Social Media Marketing", "Automation and Conversational Marketing", "Interactive Immersive Experience and Web 3.0 Marketing" Five elements to lead customers in the field of "all-round digital marketing". We provide and conceive different advertising solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises and brands to explore more business opportunities and obtain maximum investment returns. Through a cross-media digital marketing service portfolio and our creativity at Maders, we are committed to providing one-stop online marketing and promotion services to clients in Hong Kong, Mainland China and the Asia-Pacific region.

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Digital Marketing and Technology 5.0

Greater Bay Area &China


Performance Marketing & Programmatic Advertising

Social Media


Chat Commerce & Automation

Immersive Experience

Authorized by multiple advertising platforms to provide high-quality advertising services

This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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This is a paragraph. Writing in paragraphs lets visitors find what they are looking for quickly and easily.

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Company Name

Combining creativity, media strategy, and integrated marketing technology

creative planning

From creative ideas, image design, text creation, video production to execution, everything is managed by our experienced creative team. Regardless of whether you are a small or medium-sized enterprise from any industry, our team can plan efficient creative marketing solutions for you.

media planning

With many years of marketing experience, we provide our clients with one-stop online promotion strategies on multiple platforms, including search engine marketing, online banner advertising, video marketing, social media marketing, etc., to integrate your brand into customers' lives.

Advertising performance tracking and analysis

In order to improve advertising effectiveness, our data analysis experts will implement a series of analysis tools to help customers measure the return on investment of advertising by counting traffic and user behavior, thereby optimizing the website to enhance user experience and increase conversion rates.

Our Clientele

We have always put our clients first and are dedicated to tailoring the most suitable marketing plans for our clients . With our philosophy and continuous pursuit of excellence, we have won everyone's support and recognition. So far, we have cooperated with more than 30 governmental departments and related units, 100 brands and 2,000 SME clients, the following are our clients and friends:

Latest news and events

2024年施政報告 支援中小企業懶人包
16 Oct, 2024
行政長官李家超於2024年10月16日發表任內第三份《施政報告》,涵蓋政府未來政策和計劃。 根據2024年的施政報告,中小企業將獲得多項支持措施,旨在促進其發展和增強競爭力。以下是一些主要的幫助措施:
【講座回顧】 瞄準網紅黑馬風口: 掌握香港、港漂、東南亞素人推廣
13 Sep, 2024
Madcradle Online 的國內營銷專家 Wyman Au Yeung 介紹了小紅書大灣區及港漂網紅的最新趨勢。他分享了增強品牌影響力的策略,強調真實用家評論的必要性,更以保健品和美容業爲例展示網紅成功案例,以及巧妙避雷的方法。 緊接 Partipost Hong Kong的高級營銷經理Audrey 探討了Threads、IG、YouTube、Lemon8 等不同平台,如何滿足各類內容和不同年齡層用戶的互動需求,以及概述了進入東南亞市場的行銷策略,針對文化差異和消費者偏好等挑戰提出有效建議。
備戰旺季 跨境電商新策略:10大跨境電商實戰貼士|大數據營銷|跨境物流方案
16 Aug, 2024
Madcradle Online 的績效行銷助理總監 Eddie 分享利用大數據把宣傳訊息精準派送到目標人群的概念。他不單介紹了Google、Yahoo、YouTube、Facebook、Instagram 等平台的最新廣告方案,更透過不同行業的實戰例子解構廣告預算的分配策略,成效追蹤的分析心法和優化攻略等
31 Jul, 2024
Meta 推出的短內容社交平台 Threads,純文字發文的特點讓人們有一個可以輕鬆發「廢文」的平台,為用戶帶來了輕鬆、無負擔的體驗。這種廢文體驗吸引了不少 Gen Z 及 Alpha 世代的年輕用戶,截至2024年7月,Threads每月活躍用戶已超過1.75億。
【講座回顧】善用$700萬BUD基金資助:高效小紅書網紅 + 12306高鐵廣告推廣
22 Jul, 2024
在講座中,Madcradle Online 的國內營銷專家 Wyman 講解了高鐵網上購票平台12306的廣告呈現方式,如何在內地旅客到港前以及到港期間發揮影響力。同時他深入分享了小紅書的內容生態、挑選網紅策略和不同行業的實戰例子,讓參加者初步瞭解了如何借助小紅書的影響力來推廣生意,以及內地不同的精準宣傳方案。
【講座回顧】黃頁® x Madcradle講座—解鎖中國營銷技巧:迎接盛事商機,瞄準內地旅客
17 Jun, 2024
感謝黃頁® 的邀請在尖沙咀 1O1O 店舉辦是次講座。今次講座主題是為了助力本地中小企業及品牌,在本港盛事來臨之際,為即將到來的內地旅客,在他們來港前以及到港時,制定高效的宣傳和推廣策略。 Madcradle Online 的國內營銷專家 Wyman針對內地旅客「來港前」的時刻,分享國內營銷策略。品牌可透過小紅書內容營銷及KOL推廣,在內地旅客來港前搜集出行資訊時就已經吸引他們做好來港前的準備。同時,在內地旅客計劃來港並購買高車票時,品牌可以於12306高鐵票務平台投放推廣訊息,引起他們的注意。
【活動回顧】Wine & Network—「創新營銷與影響力: 利用AR、VR及公關強化品牌」
07 Jun, 2024
由香港互聯網及電子商務發展協會(HKIECA)及Madcradle Online合辦的Wine & Network活動已經圓滿結束! 一眾來賓在輕鬆的環境下接觸AR、VR新科技,並享用紅酒和finger food,過程中充滿歡樂。 是次活動我們有幸邀請到 MGV Innovation 助理總經理 Sandra Lee 和 Madcradle Online公關總監 Isaac Chan分享創新AR、VR 互動方案和公關成功案例。Isaac 強調現代公關策略不應局限於單向宣傳,而是要與消費者建立深層次聯繫。通過針對性內容和雙向溝通,品牌才可以增強與消費者的情感連結,提高知名度和美譽,從而獲得持久的競爭優勢。 另外,Sandra 介紹了AR和VR技術在品牌營銷中的應用,分享了如何運用數碼技術突出品牌的優勢,吸引和留住目標客戶。活動更設置了互動環節,讓參加者親身體驗AI繪畫、水墨畫等創新互動裝置,感受科技賦予品牌的無限潛力。 再次感謝大家的參與和投入!同時期待在下次的活動中能與更多的客戶和同業見面。
06 Jun, 2024
最近由《福布斯顧問》和 Talker Research 共同進行的研究調查了2000名美國互聯網用戶,發現年輕人越來越多使用TikTok和Instagram進行搜索。 Google 已經注意到這種轉變,並認為年輕人趨向社交平台上搜尋資訊會對其業務構成潛在威脅。Google 最近在搜索中添加了類似 ChatGPT 的功能以吸引用户使用,同時 TikTok 和Meta 也在試驗自家平台上的AI工具,競爭相當激烈。 研究更發現,Z 世代用戶在社交應用上主要搜索時尚、美容、食物和手工相關的趨勢,而在Google 上搜索的是更大型的購物和專業服務。
【講座回顧】中國移動香港 x Madcradle講座—數智營銷新趨勢:小紅書營銷策略優化及大數據訊息營銷推廣
31 May, 2024
在講座中,中國移動香港的產品經理Arthur 分享大數據營銷消息服務,如何透過百萬級海量受眾資源及大數據受眾標籤,直接觸達目標受眾。Madcradle Online 的國內營銷專家 Wyman 深入講解小紅書營銷的應用和技巧。更與各位分享我們最近贏得《第15届金鼠標數字營銷大賽—明星/達人行銷類 銀獎》的網紅推廣案例,為客戶推動銷售佳績,同時進一步加深品牌形象和吸引目標受眾。
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