Madcradle Online is the designated and authorized partner of the International Youth Innovation and Technology Olympiad 2024, and actively connects with brands and different event organizers to help brands reach target groups and maximize publicity by sponsoring online and offline activities and events. Effectiveness and return on investment, in addition to enhancing brand image, it also enables companies to participate in different social activities and affairs; at the same time, it helps event organizers gain support from the business community, increases event results and influence, and further promotes the development of creativity and events in Hong Kong.
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In order to continue to cultivate Hong Kong youth’s interest in technological learning and innovation, the Actuarial Rotary Club of Hong Kong and Techbob Academy have organized youth innovation and technology competitions every year since 2018. This competition is non-profit-making and aims to enhance the atmosphere of technological innovation learning in Hong Kong's academic circles and encourage young people to learn technology and develop logical thinking skills.
This year’s theme is"Zhiying AI﹒AI Life Entertainment and Work". Artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly popular, and its applications are closely related to our daily lives. This year's event is titled "Smart AI" and hopes that students can further imagine the plasticity of the integration of humans and AI through various competition events. They can also use different I&T products to create a AI Inclusive Society. This competition not only allows students to better understand the application of AI in daily life, but also allows them to understand the ethical issues or potential risks of AI.
More than 450 primary and secondary schools and kindergartens
and 5,000 students participated
the only gameHeld simultaneously
7 competition events and 15 competitions
The publicity is expected to reach6,000 students/teachers/parents
Sponsoring the International Youth Innovation and Technology Olympiad 2024, one of Hong Kong's largest and well-known annual international academic comprehensive innovation and technology competitions, will be a very meaningful move. This competition is co-organized or co-organized by major principal associations, school sponsoring groups and education workers’ associations in Hong Kong, covering more than 1,000 primary and secondary schools and more than 700,000 students in Hong Kong. More than 450 schools and 5,000 students are expected to participate in and benefit from this event.
By sponsoring this event, sponsoring brands will have the opportunity to reach more than 3,000 schools and more than 6,000 staff, students and parents. This will provide the brand with broad exposure while also enabling valuable connections with education professionals and parents. By sponsoring such an influential event, the sponsoring brand will become an important partner in promoting the development of education and innovation and technology in Hong Kong. This will demonstrate your focus on education while also creating a positive image for your brand. We encourage sponsors to continue to support such meaningful events and bring greater impact to the education and innovation fields in Hong Kong.
After becoming a sponsor of the International Youth Innovation and Technology Olympiad 2024, we will arrange independent media interviews with the brand. We promote our sponsors by working with the media and arranging independent interviews. This will provide more exposure, allowing more people to recognize and pay attention to your brand. The brand's message will be conveyed to a wider audience through media reports and promotions, thereby enhancing brand awareness and image.
As a sponsor, a brand representative can serve as the officiant or award presenter at the event, closely connecting your brand with the event and increasing your brand's visibility and influence. The brand's participation will be regarded as an important support for the development of the academic community, further shaping the brand's image and credibility.
We provide brands with opportunities to interact with the media and academia. Through event coverage and publicity, sponsors will receive more exposure and attention. At the same time, the brand's participation also demonstrates the brand's support for educational development, highlights the sponsor's sense of social responsibility, and further enhances the brand image.
By becoming a sponsor of the International Youth Innovation and Technology Olympiad 2024, the brand can increase its exposure through the event catalog. A total of 6,000 competition catalogs will be distributed to attendees including guests, principals, teachers, and parents on the preliminary and final days. and students, and 2,000 primary and secondary schools and kindergartens in Hong Kong.
Sponsoring brands can also choose to set up exhibition booths at the event site on competition days and awards ceremonies to display promotional products, distribute leaflets and play relevant promotional videos, or distribute competition day gift packs, benefiting more than 450 schools and 5,000 people. students. Handing out gift packs can pique attendees' interest and allow them to experience your product first-hand.
Designated sponsorship levels will have the opportunity to showcase the brand at the Learning and Teaching Expo, the largest academic exhibition in Hong Kong. This is an exhibition specifically designed for the field of education and will attract many educators, students and parents. By showcasing their brand at the Learning and Teaching Expo, sponsors can build valuable connections with their target audiences while increasing brand and product exposure.
Ranked in no particular order and updated continuously
The Actuarial Rotary Club of Hong Kong and Techbob Academy have organized the Youth Innovation and Technology Competition every year since 2018. The competition is non-profit in nature and aims to cultivate Hong Kong youth’s interest in science and technology learning and innovation, and to showcase and apply what they have learned and other knowledge through the competition platform. Participants communicate and learn from each other to comprehensively enhance the atmosphere of technological innovation in Hong Kong's academic community.
The next International Youth Innovation and Technology Olympiad 2024 (the 6th edition) is founded and organized by the Rotary Club of Hong Kong Actuarial Science and Techbob Academy, together with the STEM EdTech Lab of the School of Professional and Continuing Education of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the International Youth Innovation and Technology Education Association, PRISTER Academy, Organized by Businesspro Service Limited and Classroom, with the Office of the Government Chief Information Officer as the chief supporting unit, the Department of Curriculum and Teaching of the Education University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Federation of Educators, the Hong Kong Computer Education Society, the Hong Kong, Kowloon and New Territories Principals' Associations, and Catholic religious schools Co-organized by the Federation and supported by other major principal associations, school sponsoring bodies, school federations, co-organizers and sponsors, it is one of the largest and most popular school innovation and technology competitions in Hong Kong.
Madcradle Online uses Digital Marketing and Technology 5.0—"Greater Bay Area and Domestic Marketing", "Performance Marketing and Programmatic Advertising", "Social Media Marketing", "Automation and Conversational Marketing", "Interactive Immersive Experience and Web 3.0 Marketing" "Five major elements, we can plan promotion plans that meet the needs of brands or small and medium-sized enterprises. Our services include search engine advertising, banner advertising, video advertising, social media promotion,Domestic and Greater Bay Area marketing,Website design, etc., we are committed to becoming your online promotion partner and working together to expand your online and offline business.
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