我們的集團Vizz Digital Group在12月20日邀請合作夥伴來到位於KOHO的新辦公室,一同參加開幕典禮,共慶喬遷之喜。整個場面非常熱鬧,大家都對這個新地方充滿了喜悅。
我們的主席Jimmy和各董事們分別發表了演講和祝酒辭,祝福所有的合作夥伴和同事們。Jimmy提到了凝聚(Cohere)、共同創作(Co-Create)和挑戰(Challenge),引領所有同事們能夠團結一致、大膽創新。而Madcradle Online的共同創辦人兼董事Patrick盼望同事們繼續結合創意(Creative)、媒體策略(Media Strategies)和整合行銷技術(Technology),推動業務的發展,為客戶創造更多價值。
新辦公室助力我們創造了更強大的團隊,也開啟了整個集團的新篇章。感謝大家蒞臨參與!希望來年我們能夠與合作夥伴繼續努力,攜手合作,迎接新的挑戰! New Place,New Union,New Page!
On 20 December 2023, our Group company, Vizz Digital Group, invited our partners to join us in celebrating the opening of our new office in KOHO. The atmosphere was lively, and everyone was filled with joy for this new place.
Our Chairman, Jimmy, and the Director delivered speeches and toasts, expressing their best wishes to all of our partners and colleagues. Jimmy highlighted the significance of Cohesion, Co-creation, and Challenges, inspiring everyone to come together, foster innovation, and embrace the opportunities that challenges bring.
Meanwhile, Patrick, the Co-founder and Partner of Madcradle Online, shared his aspirations for colleagues to persist in blending Creativity, Media strategies, and the integration of Marketing Technology. This synergy will propel further business expansion and create more value for our clients.
The new office has empowered us to build a stronger team and embark on a new chapter for our Group. We sincerely thank everyone for attending and participating in this momentous occasion! We look forward to continuing our efforts and collaboration with our partners in the coming year, as we embrace new challenges together! New Place, New Union, New Page!
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